Suggested Dilutions for Various Methods of Application


Massage/Body Oil

1% (5 drops per ounce of vegetable oil)


3-15 drops per tub, depending on the oil


5 drops per cup of water


3-5 drops in a bowl of hot water

Caution:  Never do an inhalation during an asthma attack


3-5 drops per quart of warm water

Caution:  Choose non-irritant oils only

(Ex:  lavender and/or tea tree oil are safe)

Foot or Hand Bath

5-10 drops per quart of water

Sitz Bath

5-10 drops per sitz bath

Fragrant Body Water (shake well before use)

5-10 drops per 5 ounces of water

Room Spray (shake well before use)

20 drops per 5 ounces of water


Essential Oils      Carrier Oil or Lotion                            Various Size Breakdowns

20 drops     into      2 fl oz (60 ml or 10 tsp)                       1/8 oz =   ¾ tsp = 3-4 ml = 80 drops     

10 drops     into      1 fl oz (30 ml or 5 tsp)                         1/4 oz = 1 ½ tsp = 6-8 ml = 160 drops

5 drops       into      ½ fl oz (15 ml or 1 ½ tsp)                     1/2 oz = 3 tsp = 13-15 ml = 320-400 drops

4 drops, 2 tsp, 1 oz = 6 tsp = 25-30 ml = 600-650 drops

1% dilution = 5-6 drops essential oil per ounce of carrier oil           Some Common Massage/Carrier Oils

2% dilution = 10-12 drops essential oil per ounce of carrier oil, almond, olive, jojoba, sesame, sunflower,

3% dilution = 15-18 drops essential oil per ounce of carrier oil, avocado, and more

All information contained within this site is for reference purposes only and are not intended to substitute the advice given by a pharmacist, physician, or any other licensed health-care professional. Organic Infusions products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease